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Tuesday, November 21, 2006

More online bookmark service is here now

In a previous post, I introduced an online bookmark service, which allow you to store your bookmark online and then synchronize it among several computers. I encountered some bugs when I use this service, such as browser hangs if service is down (frequently). But now, there are much more similar service available for our choice.

  1. del.icio.us
  2. Google Browser Sync
  3. Foxmarks
  4. Clipmark
I am trying del.icio.us from yahoo, which can tag your bookmark instead of organizing in different folder.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Desktop Search for Source Analysis

Now, there are always Gigas source codes for me to pass. Without source analysis tools like source insight or source navigator, it really can be a big trouble sometimes.

Unfortunately, source insight is a bit expensive to deploy into all my PCs. On the freeware side, source navigator does not support c# so far (even worse, it failed several times when I try to add Gigas c++ files to a project).

Consider that the main feature I use in source insight is to search reference, caller, definition, etc. of a given entity, can we use a desktop search engine to do these work. Of cause, we stand a little chance to get such a desktop search engine.

But after I tried some engines, I feel they can help much, when I have no source insight installed. What's better is they usually do search much faster than source insight.

There are lots desktop search engine today. I have no time to try them all. So, I selected three for reference.

  • Microsoft Index Services (MIS)
  • Google Desktop Search (GDS)
  • Copernic Desktop Search (CDS)

    As MIS is integrated in windows, it is attractive that I donnot need to download and install anything, if it can be used. But I found it is slow, in terms of both indexing and searching. BTW: I use a wiki system based on MIS --- Perspective Wiki.

    Then I tried GDS, it provides search interface integrated into google search page. Maybe it is attractive for thoese google fans, but I guess they will be disappeared when they found GDS almost cannot refine search result, difficult to configure search for each folder, etc.

    After some googling, I found CDS. Its rate is quick good in some reviews. Another reason I select it is I recalled that I used to use another search product from Copernic around 2000. :-)

    Based on 1 hour experience, I think CDS is quite good for me to analyze source codes. It can easily start search inside a folder, restrict file name, date in a standalone native program.

    Maybe we can improve source navigator based on these open source desktop search enigne? :-D

  • Thursday, November 02, 2006

    SciTE --- Firefox of text editor

    SciTE is a light-weight, cross-platform, fast text editor I always use. For example, on windows platform, it can be a single exe file you can copy to anywhere you like, and smaller than 500k, which is much smaller than editplus and ultraedit.

    Despite of its small size, it is highly configurable, there are menu items to edit its default properties, e.g., whether to show line number, where to wrap long line, etc.

    For example, the following four lines make scite wrap and show line num automatically, and prompt a user to reload a file when the file is changed out of scite.
    For more documents, please refer to http://www.scintilla.org/SciTEDoc.html

    Thursday, October 05, 2006

    Hotkeys for Logictech cordless desktop EX110

    I set up my old IBM T23 as media center in my living room, and got the cheap Logitech Cordless Desktop EX110 as remote.

    As it is running Linux, a few tricks are needed to use these multimedia keys on the keyboard. First, hotkeys should be installed and autostart when X startup. And hotkeys.conf and itouch.def should be edited.

    For a ubuntu user, please edit:

    In this file, the codes of keys are mapped to some names easy to remember. And then please edit:


    In hotkeys.conf, each key name is mapped to a command, when the key is pressed, corresponding command will be invoked.

    To know what's the keycode of a key, we can run xev, and press the key, xev will print corresponding keycodes to standard output.

    A easier way: as for most Logitech keyboard, the keycodes can be found at here

    Some useful keycodes are (copied from 1n12, maybe is for microsoft keyboard, but most are right for my logitech, haven't tried all):
    keycode 115 = SLstart
    keycode 116 = SRstart
    keycode 117 = Smenu
    keycode 234 = Sback
    keycode 233 = Sforward
    keycode 232 = Sstop
    keycode 231 = Srefresh
    keycode 122 = Ssearch
    keycode 230 = Sfavourites
    keycode 130 = Swebhome
    keycode 236 = Smail
    keycode 160 = Smute
    keycode 174 = Svolumedown
    keycode 176 = Svolumeup
    keycode 162 = Splaypause
    keycode 164 = Sstop
    keycode 144 = Sprevtrack
    keycode 153 = Snexttrack
    keycode 129 = Smedia
    keycode 198 = Smycomputer
    keycode 161 = Scalculator
    keycode 223 = Ssleep

    Sunday, October 01, 2006

    kde input problem (scim bug?)

    So far, I have gotten four laptops (DELL 610, IBM t23, TOSHIBA portege 4010, and one ancient HITACHI), although most of them are aged, they are still usable, at least they over-perform VMWare to run 2nd OS.

    Now, I can install Linux, Windows seperately, and put one in each room in my flat. :-D So, I am in good mood, and decide to use Kubuntu on the IBM T23, as its Linux support is better than portege 4010 (with modem and graph accelerator).

    But there is a weird and annoying problem I meet in kubuntu, i.e., when I set XMODIFIERS="@im=SCIM", and use SCIM as XIM input method, randomly, some programs in KDE cannot get keyboard input. I believe it is due to the cooperation between kubuntu and scim, as I haven't met this problem before I use kubuntu.

    Sorry that I have reported the bug to neither Scim nor KDE. I just replaced scim with fcitx. Although fcitx supports only simplied chinese, it is enough for me. Hope it can work well.

    Friday, September 15, 2006

    Oral Defence

    After LONG3 time wait (about 1 year and 3 mths), my oral defence date is finally confirmed and it is today.
    I will get the certification letter first followed by the degree, which will cost another 10mths' wait. OK, hope everything goes smoothly.

    Monday, September 04, 2006

    Crocodile hero died in an accident

    The famous austrilian "Crocodile Dundee" (Mr. Irwin) has dies in an diving accident. The news is published in BBS website today (4-Sep-2006), while the exact date has not been mentioned in the report.


    I love this guy, although I have no much love for wildlife like him. Mourn over him.

    Thursday, August 31, 2006

    Funny, IE7

    Now IE7RC1 is running on my laptop, and I am writing this post using it. After using it for several hours, it is so funny to find it looks like firefox so much.

    I like it, it provides more features, such as:
    1. can use ctl+D to select all in url box, no matter where the focus is.
    2. can use ctl+W to close current window
    3. fonts are adjusted
    4. can use ctl++/- to zoom in/out pages
    5. integrated RSS
    6. middle click can open a new tab
    7. tab browsing
    8. ...

    Based on 1 day IE7 experience, it resembles firefox so much, as all the features above is what I like in firefox. It is also funny to find that Microsoft is pursuing usability following other companies, which seldom happened in the last decade, at least in such an important product.

    Friday, August 25, 2006

    Hosting Problem

    Free web hosting is attractive for guys like me, but it is really a bit annony when my hosting server always down in these days.
    Anyway, I will insist to use the free service, util I get enough reason to pay for my website.

    Tuesday, August 15, 2006

    blogger system update

    Finally, blogger system is to be integrated to Google's infrastructure. Please check out at beta.blogger.com. The new blogger system provides more features, such as article category.

    Friday, July 14, 2006

    Our Anniversary

    2005年7月12日 我们难忘地结婚了, 至于有多难忘, 请参见前帖 , 在此不再长篇累牍。

    一年时间过去得嗖嗖地, 在老婆的操持下,老公的努力下, 生活那是叫个忙碌。 我们去了曼谷;玩了马六甲;然后我开始在新加坡的第一份工作;参观了美国; 老婆拿了第一份年终奖和薪水提升 ; 签了我们第一份购房协议书;改完了我的毕业论文; 筹足买房款; 完成购房; 忙装修, 搬进了新家。 真是流水无情, 日新月异。

    7月11号, 老公急冲冲从印尼出差现场赶回新加坡, 完成了和老婆的共进晚餐大页,席间, 孝敬向日葵一株。 在回家摆置好该葵之后(参见左图, 位于我们的餐桌之上, 裕华国货所得瓷画之前), 我们三下五除二的以史上最快的速度收拾完7月12日的度假用品后就要准备出发了。 鉴于老婆对老公象向日葵一样成长的殷切期待,我们称之为:


    说时轻松,那时紧张, 这次周年小修能够成行是真的不容易, 在之前的一个月中, 我们合计提出建议若干,计划若干,探访旅行社若干,合计久久, 无奈无奈发现两个人基本就安排不出时间一起出门超过几天。 那么如果只有一天时间, 我们可以去哪里? 答案还是很多的 ---- 洗衣服咯, 做饭咯, 打扫卫生咯, 逛街咯, 去百去百厌的新加坡旅游景点咯。 嗯, 还好, 我们最终想起了一个美妙的答案 ---- 去海边度假屋看日出吧。

    事实证明, 看日出是一个可遇不可求的任务, 我们后面再说。

    感谢IRC, 感谢Coast Sands Resort, 感谢老婆坚持不懈的努力, 感谢老天, 我们在11号上午终于预定到了一间IRC club合作度假村的

    小屋 (本两人为该会会员), 此是前话。在我们结束这次小修的时候, 发现我们度假屋在该club的绝对地位超然, 此是后话。让我们回到主题。

    小夫妻俩抗起大包小包, 在地铁上小睡了一觉共一个小时之后,辗转Taxi来到了Coast Sands Resort, 很快就安顿下来。 小屋的装饰满是浓浓的resort

    风格, 每一张木凳,每一张桌子都够厚实质朴。 藤编的床沿,抽屉在时日的琢磨下有点意思。 最让我们爽到的是4米多高的屋顶,卧室到客厅的无隔断设计, 让空间显得特别放松。 我们在各自的洗漱间淋浴更衣, 之后, 小小享受了一点小酒。

    眼看时间还早,经过民主决议, 我们一致同意出门走走。 走出门, 发现屋后的栅栏的一扇小门。 沿小门外是椰子, 棕榈, 波罗蜜, 暂时超出我们认知范围的种种树木, 还有草地。半夜时分, 云大都厚厚地落在了天际, 月亮分外皎洁, 在薄云后穿行。 透过月光的树影斑驳陆离地把几条海边小路装饰的蛮是漂亮。 海边!? 怎么就到海边了? 忘记交待, 我们一出小门,就发现海边原来就在我们后窗后100米, 隔开着一片草地而已, 只是可惜空调的风声遮挡了海上的风。

    走不多远, 我们从草地来到沙滩, 月亮在天顶把海水吸得高高的, 把几颗孤零零的树的根淹没在水中。 陪着这些树一起吹吹海风 and signed our names in the edge of sea后, 我们打道回府, 一夜无话, 按下不表。 第二天, 我们没有起来看日出, 因为, 大雨陪我们睡到了9点多, 嗯It is Yesterday Once More


















































































































    Sunday, July 09, 2006

    chinese font in konqueror

    I prefer to use firefox, instead of konqueror to browse Web pages. One reason is that konqueror always show wrong characters when rendering chinese Web pages.

    Although I seldom use konqueror, it is a rather annoying problem, especially when I click chinese url in kopete, as it invokes konqueror window full of characters known by nobody.

    This problem is caused by qt fonts manager. It will find alternatives if there is no font data for a character in current font used in the interface (I pretend that I know the reason, in fact, I am not sure, as some version qts does not have this problem). So, to display correct characters, we need to config substitutions for each font to be used.

    For example, a konqueror display characters using arial fonts by default in many Web pages. So, we can add SimHei/SimSun as its substitutions. We can do this in qtconfig, or just like me, modify .qt/qtrc (for ubuntu dapper), and add a section:

    [Font Substitutions]
    AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni=SimHei
    AR PL ZenKai Uni=SimHei
    tms rmn=SimHei

    Please refer to http://dot.kde.org/1075655865/1075658566/ for more discussion.

    Friday, June 23, 2006

    List all posts again

    Google provides an AJAX version of its search service, which can be integrated into your pages seamlessly; here, integrating seamlessly means the search result will display as a part of your own Web pages. please refer to CJ's webpage: Get Google Ajax Search For Your Site UPDATE.

    I like this feature, but unfortunately, the AJAX search box may mess up your Web pages, especially when your pages use complicated layout. Another problem is its blog search engine does not provide as many features as what blogsearch does. It can only restrict search result to a given Web site, instead of finer granularity such as author name.

    My current blogger site is immigranted from my old blogger site. Although blog.lizhao.net contains all posts from spide.blogspot.com, some posts of it have not been indexed by blogsearch. But now, I can use blogsearch to fetch posts from both sites, by restrict author name to "Li Zhao", while the AJAX engine is unable to do this so far.

    Anyway, the AJAX search box is premising, and I want blogsearch can index all my posts in blog.lizhao.net, which may help the AJAX engine to search all posts in blog.lizhao.net. So, I list all posts in the main page of blog.lizhao.net and my ATOM feed. Hope blogsearch can update the index soon.

    Friday, June 16, 2006

    Google's Analytics

    This blog is desolated for more than one month, which has never happened before. Too busy. Now, I cannot help posting sth.

    Google analytics's invitation came finally, and then I installed it into my blog. Although I hear it is not as good as measuremap, it is better than none. So far, it collected one week's data, and show really comprehensive reports to me. Due to these reports I saw, Netstats is discarded from my blog. ;-)

    Its geo-map provides info that is much more detailed than the one I am using in my right panel. Regretful, it cannot be integrated into the webpage.

    Sunday, April 23, 2006

    Dapper Drake on Acer Travelmate 3002 WTCi

    To install Ubuntu 5.04/5.10 on Acer Travelmate 3000 series laptop is definitely painful. I have a long article of how to patch kernel, modify DSDT, etc. to make ubuntu run on my Acer. I wonder whether it is worth the time to hack all these for most guys.

    Now, Dapper Drake beta is coming, although its version now is 6.06, instead of 6.04 in the original plan, due to the 2 mths delay of final release. But I donnot need all these features causing the delay, so, I planned to use another weekend to struggle to install it on the Acer.

    From its Web site, I was glad to find it provides an live installer like the on in Mepis, I then decided to test how lucky I am this time to pass the install using the live installer, and downloaded the live CD.

    After 2 hours downloading, I bootup my Acer 3002 WTCi from the live CD, and at the first glance, I was so execited to find the laptop just run, without any modification, except the resolution is still 1024x768 by default. Does that mean I can save the weekend to prepare paiting my new house? Maybe, if I can install it to my harddisk.

    So, I clicked the install icons on desktop, following its instruction then. You know how sad I was when the installer exited at step6 (totoally 7 steps) without any notice. I tried two more times, and failed both times. Regret I can only throw the live CD away and download the installer CD now. Due to the good experience based on live CD, I expected I do not need 2 days to install it.

    I have just downloaded the text install CD from Web site, and now I am trying to install it. After reboot, the install CD also startup without any problem. The interface remains the same as previous ubuntu/kubuntu. Now the progress bar passed 50% just now. Hopefully, Dapper Drake can run smoothly on the Acer model.

    Based on experience so far, Dapper Drake is so good (bluetooth, wireless, and hot buttons work), except:
    1. Live installer in live CD failed on Acer Travelmate 3002WTCi.
    2. Resolution is 1024x768 by default, and need 915resolution's help
    3. kcontrol crashed when I am doing hotkey setting.

    I will try more, and record the problems, if I can find more.

    Friday, April 14, 2006

    Writely Invitation Available Now

    In another post, I introduced some online writers. Today, I got invitation from writely finally.

    Now, this is the 1st post I write using writely. From the toolbar, I can see it supports to post to blogger from writely. So, I first try to create some complicated format here, and publish to blogger to see effects.

    1. A table:
    this is 70% width table with size of 3x3
    The 1st
    how about it?
    it is easy to set all format
    i like it
    do u?

    not bad, just like word

    ok, seems table is easy to create and modify, then let's try to upload image:

    2. image

    I upload an image from my PC, very easy huh. Then I put it to the right part of this post.

    I do not know where this image will be stored, if I publish this post to blogger. If writely can host the image, wow, I will love writely more. ;-)

    3. font
    Try some font effects here.
    Bold, Italy and Underline
    Good, so simple.

    Now, let's try what fonts are supported by Writely.
    FOnt1, Font1, Font2,

    Ok, lots of fonts (about 15) are there. I only wonder what are the real effects in Web browser.

    Let's publish the post now. Good luck to me and all writely users.
    I add the following comments in blogger, instead of writely.
    1. writely hosts all pictures you uploaded. great
    2. How to change corresponding HTML CSS style in writely is left to study
    3. the HTML codes generated is ugly
    4. if want to modify more, can only in blogger, I think

    If you like the effect of easiness of writely, u can ask invitation from me now, if more invitations are left for my account. Good luck

    Tuesday, March 28, 2006

    How to add calendar to your blogger site in 4 steps

    blogcat service is down now, do not try anymore! Before try to add calendar using blogcat, please register an account at blogcat. After getting an account from blogcat, there are 4 steps only to add a calendar with the following features:

    1. Date is highlighted corresponding to all your blogger posts.
    2. Update automatically when you browse a certain page.
    3. Show post title when you move your mouse over the calendar date.
    4. Load fast (compared with those javascript solution).
    If you are interested in these features, try to follow the steps below:

    1. Set blogger information

    Select 'Blogger Configuration' in sidebar. Input your blogger ID and password, and then blogcat will ask you which blog you want to add calendar.

    2. Fetch posts

    Select 'Post List' in sidebar. Click 'Reload posts from Blogger!', then posts from blogger will be listed. In this screen, you can even assign a category for each post, and blogcat can generate a category list for you automatically.

    3. Generate calendar

    Select 'Build Calendar' in sidebar. Then there is a calendar generated corresponding to each month you logged.

    4. Add codes to blogger template

    Select 'Get Template Codes' in sidebar. Add the codes shown to your blogger template. That's all you need to do to add the calendar. After you create a new post in blogger, you can regenerate the calendar by browse: http://lizhao.net/blogcat/autobuildcal.php?u=USERNAME where USERNAME is your blogcat account name.

    Monday, March 27, 2006

    AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript And XML) and word processor

    In a previous post, I mentioned Writely, which is bought by google. It is an online word processor. I feel so interesting what can Web do right now.
    Actually, the important technique supporting writly is AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript And XML), and if you google AJAX, you will get bunch of results from google. I remember when i pursuing my master degree years ago, we can only exploit ActiveX, Corba to obtain similar results, with much higher complexity.
    Now, AJAX is a hot techniques, and I found several online word processor online now:

    1. Ajaxwrite
    2. Zoho Writer
    3. Writely

    Saturday, March 18, 2006

    牛尾浓汤 Beef tail soup

    Today, it is the first time I try to cook western food --- beef tail soup. It is as delicious as I expected, thus, record the recipe I used for future reference. Materials:

    1. beef tail, 1 (I used about 600G) 牛尾
    2. onion, 1 (I used 3 middle size onions)洋葱
    3. carrot, 1 (I used about 180G)胡萝卜
    4. Celery, 2 (I used one potato to replace it)芹菜
    5. beef lard, 1spoon牛油
    6. Bay Leaves, 1 piece香叶
    7. tomato sauce, 2spoons番茄酱
    8. fried flour. 2spoons.油炸粉
    9. pea, salt, pepper.豌豆,盐,胡椒粉。
    1. clear beef tail
    2. cut onion, carrot, celery to cubes, put them togther with beef tail into cold water to boil for 3 hours.
    3. filter the soup, and then fish out tail, separate meat and bone.
    4. saute bay leave, beef tail meat, beef lard, tomato sauce together
    5. put fried tail meat, fried flour back to soup and boil again
    6. add pea, salt, peepr
    I also add some red wine. :-), Wow, it is really great, and if you feed a puppy, then you donnot need to wash your disks. :-D

    RFID electronic door lock

    I will move into my new home soon, which is the first flat we own. That is why the idea to DIY a RFID electronic door lock is attractive for me at the 1st glance.
    But after reading all pages of the DIY instruction, I feel a bit frustrated, as I donnot know when will I be free to do all such work. Anyway, keep the link in the blog, maybe you are interested in it, or I will finally be free to do it. :-D

    Wednesday, March 15, 2006

    Post blog via email

    I decided to be used to post blog posts via email from now on. Thus, I can post to several blogs at the same time.<br/>
    One important benefit is I can post to MSN space, thus, most guys can read the blog.

    Most popular pages

    I wrote a page counter yesterday to count clicks to each page, the result is: http://blog.lizhao.net/2005/08/softwarerec-install-ubuntu-on-acer.html 65
    http://blog.lizhao.net/2004/10/tips-about-blogger-archives-drop-down.html 11
    http://blog.lizhao.net/2004/09/tips-categorize-blogger-posts.html 5
    http://blog.lizhao.net/ 19 http://blog.lizhao.net/2004/10/another-blogger-tool-i-like-it.html 1
    http://blog.lizhao.net/2006/03/googles-appetite_13.html 1
    http://blog.lizhao.net/2005/01/c-implementation-of-ukkonens-suffix.html 2
    http://blog.lizhao.net/2006/03/bloglendar-back_09.html 10
    http://lizhao.net/ 16
    http://blog.lizhao.net/2004/09/liferec-diary-cartoon-enjoy-it.html 1
    http://www.lizhao.net/ 1
    http://blog.lizhao.net/2004/12/blogger-chinese-version-of-how-to-add.html 1
    http://blog.lizhao.net/2004/08/my-calendar_25.html 2
    http://blog.lizhao.net/2006/03/problem-of-css-float-in-ie_09.html 2
    http://blog.lizhao.net/2005/08/comparison-six-models-of-sonoma.html 1
    I am astonished to find most clicks point to the same page. It is a trouble shoot article, recording what I met during install linux on a weird but hot laptop.
    What matters a page is how much it can help other guys, at least in my site.

    Monday, March 13, 2006

    Google's appetite

    Measure Map is a service like technorati; Writely is an online word processor. They are totally different from each other and have no relationship at all, right?

    It is true a month ago, util Google bought both of them. And now, there is a tag appearing in both site:
    "that's now part of Google."
    Another common point shared by them is they are both in immigration process to Google system, and does not open registration now.
    But they allow you to leave your email address to book a position when they open registration. Yes, this is what we met when gmail come.
    What is the next one Google will take a fancy to?

    Thursday, March 09, 2006

    Problem of CSS float in IE

    IE defined a no standard CSS attribute word-wrap, when it is set to 'break-word', IE divids a long word if it is too long. If it is set to 'normal', the word won't be divided.
    An example is list below:


    You can see the different render results in IE and firefox, firefox ignore this attribute and the whole word is in the same line. Both are OK for me.

    The problem is, if IE does not divid the word, the right panel in my blogger pages will move down below the left panel, make them cannot appear in the same row. What a pity, and it is the reason of why many blogger's template layout will be corrupted in IE, if there is a long hyperlink (or dir name, or tag, etc.), where IE does not divid the word inside.

    In my situation, I want the float left panel does not extend automatically with contents inside, and treat IE's method as a bug for me. But in certain situations, sb. may feel firefox's method is a bug, here is an example.

    Fortunately, now, we can combine the word-wrap attribute and tips from http://www.positioniseverything.net/easyclearing.html to solve the problem you meet, although it cannot solve problem for all ppls. How to choose is up2u.

    Bloglendar Back

    The contents in this article are discarded, I implemented a full-featured Web service at BlogCat, please check out.

    In a previous article, I introduced how to add calendar to blogger using javascript. However, it suffers from some javascript weaknesses.
    I have implemented a php based calendar generator for blogger, which can produce calendar similar with the one in my blogger's right panel (see demo.
    You can just try here:

    Your username and password will not be stored. ;-) You can also use bloglendar/bloglendar as username/password to generate calendar for http://bloglendar.blogspot.com/

    You can login blogger with username of bloglendar to post more, and return here to see effect. Blogger ID:
    If you are interested in this calendar, just download the php scripts and install it on ur own server, and enjoy.
    This is only a prototype blogger calendar, and I may be too busy to finish it. It is great if u can help.

    Saturday, March 04, 2006


    My wife bought two rabbits, and play with them.

    Friday, February 24, 2006

    The MacMini's PC clone finally arrived at S'pore

    Now, Aopen's Mini PC running PentiumM is sold at s$1400- in S'pore. From the pic from linuxdevices.com comparing MiniPC and MacMini from the rear panel, we can found more kinds of ports in the MiniPC, e.g., TV out. I like this improvement, although the the big button in MiniPC's front panel is so ugly. The problem is although there is TVout, but the lack of multi-channel audio port makes it difficult to be a media center with multi-channel sound system.
    For that more Linux distributions support PC architecture than Mac, I prefer this small PC, if its interior is not too bad.

    Wednesday, February 15, 2006

    atspace and awardspace

    These two sites (atspace.com, awardspace.com) are really great. atspace provides 50M space (without traffic limit) and 99.9+% time on. It promises to offer the free service without ads forever. Its configuration is easy and simple.
    The only regret is the lack of php/cgi support, although they said they will add soon. That is why I change to awardspace. awardpace provides 200M (2G traffic limit p.m). With php support, I built message board, hyperlink management, and counter to awardspace. I think this may improve the web page loading speed, as the page does not need to load services from lots of web sites. The only regret is awardspace reserve the right to add ads to your web pages.
    So, hope atspace support php support, and when awardspace push ads to my web pages, I can back to atspace. :-D

    Thursday, February 09, 2006

    Yahoo! Mail: Bind multiple address to the same mailbox

    When I began to use internet 10 years ago, Yahoo! is my second email sevice, although I seldom use it.
    I found just now, Yahoo! now allows dot appearing in account name, and bind two email address to the same mailbox. So, I applied one for my existing one. Actually, I also found there is a backdoor to bind more email address to the same mailbox. ;-)

    Tuesday, February 07, 2006

    Bought my own domain name from yahoo

    Yahoo! has even offer $1.99/a to register domain name. Is it dirty cheap?
    Here is some comments from Yahoo!'s users, and many of them are extremly angry when they want to transfer their domain to other companies (especially when your domain name is .org, .us, etc. which use EPP authority code).

    But this is not the reason why I did not grab the $1.99 offer at that time. The reason is Yahoo! put a wrong condition under the page to apply domain : the offer is only for those buying their hosting plan.
    When I read from the above comments that this statement is wrong, and you can register without any hosting plan, I registered lizhao.net for 5 years.
    I know I may meet some problems if I want to move, but who knows what the world will be like 5 years later?
    Now, my blog is here: 李钊Li Zhao's Blog!

    Saturday, January 14, 2006

    native support for wusb54g v4

    Long long ago, I tried to install ubuntu on my wife's desktop, and at that time, there is no support for wusb54gv4 wireless usb card. After several months, ndiswrapper support it. And today, when I try to install ubuntu again (my wife is not in home), thanks ndiswrapper website, I found two native modules supporting wusb54gv4, one is serialmonkey, another is ralinktech. So far, serialmonkey's beta release needs 2.6.13+ kernel to compile, thus I prefer to ralinktech's version.
    I just installed it 10 mins ago, and seems find.