blogcat service is down now, do not try anymore!
Before try to add calendar using blogcat, please register an account at blogcat. After getting an account from blogcat, there are 4 steps only to add a calendar with the following features:
- Date is highlighted corresponding to all your blogger posts.
- Update automatically when you browse a certain page.
- Show post title when you move your mouse over the calendar date.
- Load fast (compared with those javascript solution).
If you are interested in these features, try to follow the steps below:
1. Set blogger information

Select 'Blogger Configuration' in sidebar. Input your blogger ID and password, and then blogcat will ask you which blog you want to add calendar.
2. Fetch posts

Select 'Post List' in sidebar. Click 'Reload posts from Blogger!', then posts from blogger will be listed. In this screen, you can even assign a category for each post, and blogcat can generate a category list for you automatically.
3. Generate calendar

Select 'Build Calendar' in sidebar. Then there is a calendar generated corresponding to each month you logged.
4. Add codes to blogger template

Select 'Get Template Codes' in sidebar. Add the codes shown to your blogger template.
That's all you need to do to add the calendar. After you create a new post in blogger, you can regenerate the calendar by browse:
where USERNAME is your blogcat account name.
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